Bear Aware, LLC offers bear spray rentals and sales in Yellowstone National Park. Founded by Sally Vering in 2011, Bear Aware LLC was born out of a need to help raise hiking-safety awareness and make bear spray more convenient and affordable for park visitors.
The “I Am Bear Aware Pledge“, includes the five most important safety messages each park visitor should know, understand, and follow. Those are the pledges each customer makes when renting bear spray from our company.
Bear Aware is now owned and operated by Teton Backcountry Inc after change of ownership in 2021.
Teton Backcountry RentalsOUR MISSION
Bear Aware, LLC makes bear spray available to visitors of Yellowstone National Park on a daily or weekly basis at affordable prices. Bear Aware, LLC is committed to better equipping and educating outdoor enthusiasts so they can safely enjoy the majesty of Yellowstone National Park.


We know how great it is to enjoy the Great Outdoors. We also know the importance of being prepared for unexpected bear and wildlife encounters. Our goal is to assist Yellowstone National Park shift the mindset of visitors from one of reluctance to one of readiness when it comes to carrying bear spray. In due time, carrying bear spray will be as commonplace as wearing sunscreen to a beach, or buckling a seatbelt when driving, everyday precautions that were a rarity not too long ago.
Bear Aware is committed to promoting the safe viewing of wildlife from proper distances, what to do in the event of a wildlife encounter, and how to be best prepared when exploring Bear Country. Wildlife that becomes habituated to humans are relocated to an unfamiliar location which can be detrimental to the animal. Also, when a bear attacks a human, the bear is often tracked and killed. A sprayed bear is a saved bear. When a person takes and follows the “Bear Aware Pledge,” there is a greater chance humans and wildlife will remain safe and unharmed.
